Have Reached the answering machine at
an inside joke, of a sort.

The e-mail address above is NOT set up so you can just click on it, and
send us e-mail. Neither can the spampbots. That's the point. If you are
not yet sufficiently annoyed to type it in yourself, that's okay too.
First update in years!
1) The Mark 4 synthesizer is a discontinued product. No longer available
2) Our new host is My sincere thanks to Bennie and for hosting us for 14 years virtually trouble-free!
More updates later. But we always say that. is a sideline of Nomad Radio, a brick-and-mortar (lumber
and shingle?) business founded in 1975, under new management since
In the yellow pages, we're shown at 1615 Bardstown Road Louisville, KY
Nomad Radio does NOT offer "shipped-in, shipped-out" repair and
maintenance services. Those are still strictly a "Carry-in, Carry-out"
business activity.
on the other hand, is a different
story. We have developed a handful of unique "Add-on" and replacement
accessories for various amateur and CB radios and amplifiers. Just how
we'll offer these to qualified individuals who posess technical skills
ONLY still has me stumped. Don't really want to sell an upgrade kit to
someone who will blow up his radio (or self) and blame me for his
incompetence, let alone lack of simple common sense. For now, I am
relying on big, annoying disclaimers to discourage people WITHOUT
technical skills from trying to install any of this stuff. If you have
no experience with the insides of a radio or amplifier, PLEASE don't
choose one of these as a "First-Time" project.
The rumors about replacement boards for the Pride DX-300 are partly
true. And getting truer all the time.
8-30-2004... The Pride DX300 HeavyDuty High Voltage board is now
available as a kit.
Heavy-Duty High
Voltage replacement
August of 2004, the only material
we had on the Web was 'parked' at my "Non-Commercial personal"
web space hosted by my
ISP. Ten megs was plenty of space, and all of the stuff shown there was
"under development", as they say.
Now that some of them are ready to sell,
I should
revise the "installation" web pages to include ordering info, prices,
etc. No such luck, for now.
Instead, I just copied the
stuff over to this
new, "commercial" (I hope) host, unchanged. Some of it is pretty old
and out-of-date. Sooner or later I'll revise them to reflect sale
prices and ordering info. For now, just getting it moved over and
accessible from the web is challenge enough, thanks.
Nomad Radio Web Pages
Don't expect any pictures of
the building, or of me. Might put
one up
showing the tower and beams. Devilishly hard to get a good image of an
This revision September, 2004. Entire contents copyright 2004,
I left out our phone number on purpose. Wouldn't be much point to list
it here. When phone calls get too heavy, the answering machine earns
its nickname "The Black Hole".
stuff is at the very end of
the page for a reason. It is s-o-o-o-o preliminary. Not that I haven't
been promising this one for, well, never mind how long. Too
It is NOT, I repeat, NOT complete. Don't know when it will be.
It is just
barely more than nothing so far.
the Nomad Radio channel synthesizer
in the Browning Golden Eagle Mark IV
It is so preliminary that all comments are welcome. Honest.